The only "get over it" i can offer is to get over the shame of being just the way you are. Experiences such as anxiety and panic are both you (and one must accept this...sortable a Acceptance Commitment Therapy thing and be self compassionate another therapy thing, but I'm not offering specific advice, rather just that you love youself) and not you. It is something you experience because YOU want to protect yourself from it.. panic is a friend. A kinda horrible friend, I dont like it, but a well intentioned one. In my ignorant opinion, I feel like so much has been hard in your life, especially in your development stage, that you had to learn to defend yourself from.the world. It may be the 'wrong' way of shielding yourself, but it is out of love and care for the child you were and the man you are. Don't beat yourself up, and continue what you are doing: finding solutions so that you can live with these rehabilitating experiencss