
In a way, reducing distraction is expanding awareness. Let say the max awareness is being aware of 100% of what is going on...if we see this as a "space" (following the idea of expansion), distraction is like taking part of this space and putting it to maladaptive work..so let's say 40 % of this mental space is used for distraction, and 60% in "awareness". I think is definitely "trainable" to use our mental and perceptive responses to expand the percentage of space we can be aware of. Sort of like training reaction time is practically training our mind and body to focus on the target and only the target, while deflating all distractions...Maybe awareness is also trained in some part of the brain where we can reinforce synapses.. or maybe not, and I just said lots of BS



Jess the Avocado
Jess the Avocado

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